How to Save Wine When the Cork Crumbles

First - don’t panic - it happens to the best of us. If the cork has crumbled into the wine, it's best to remove as much of the cork as possible and then strain the wine through a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth to remove any remaining cork particles.

To do this, use a clean and dry corkscrew to gently extract any large pieces of cork that are floating in the wine. Then, place a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth over a clean decanter or serving vessel and slowly pour the wine through the strainer. This will help to catch any small cork particles and prevent them from ending up in your glass.

If you don't have a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth, you can use a coffee filter as a substitute. Simply place the coffee filter over a clean decanter or serving vessel and slowly pour the wine through the filter. This will help to catch any cork particles and leave you with a clean and clear wine.


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